Academy of Veterinary Consultants (AVC)

Douglas A. Armstrong Memorial Award

Sponsored by Veterinary Research and Consulting Services


The research award is awarded annually for excellence in beef cattle clinical research. The recipient must be enrolled in an accredited college of veterinary medicine or in a post DVM graduate degree program.


Note: It may be advisable to use another word processor to compose your answers, then copy and paste those into this form.
Please complete the form fully before submitting. You will recieve an email confirming that your application has been submitted.


All fields are required, and must be filled in before submitting the application.

Applicant Information


Dr.     Mr.     Ms.     First:    MI:    Last:


Past Education

Highest Degree Earned:
Dean's Office Phone:
Major Advisor:
Advisor's Dept:
Advisors Phone:

Current Education

Programs Currently Enrolled:
Dean's Office Phone:
Major Advisor :
Advisor's Dept:
Advisors Phone :

Describe your Specific areas(s) of interest in veterinary medicine:

Describe your career goals and objectives:

Research Project

Title of Project:
Projected Start Date:
Projected End Date:
Provide a proposed protocol for a clinical research project addressing a health aspect of beef cattle production. The protocol should include a short introduction that highlights the need for the research project, the study design, and sufficient description of the materials and methods to evaluate the proposal. A protocol must be submitted for review even if the research project is underway or already completed.

The following must also be completed before your application can be considered.


Applications AND references must be received by February 7th.

Incomplete applications will not be considered or returned.

security code
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